It's hard to believe that we are at midterm already. Not just because classes seem much more real and intense when you spend a weekend reading what you probably should have weeks ago. But it's wierd to think that our time here is half over--I leave the 12th of December, so a little over 2 months left.
Since I couldn't get a hold of my speaking partner Claudia this weekend, I spent the time instead doing what I probably would have done, had I been in Maryland. I studied. I procrastinated. I saw an English movie in probably the nicest movie theater I have ever been in. I even had a giant soda and candy. It is strange that after only a few weeks here, life has slowed down enough to feel like I am living here, not just trying to absorb every museum in sight. When I was in London, we didn't get to cram in quite as much as I wanted to see, yet we were staying with actual Londoners. They took us to a pub, gave us great directions, and took us on a super scary car ride on the wrong side of the road. In that way, I think we got a better view of actual London, as opposed to just medieval castles and tourist spots. Mind you, the Tower was awesome. But just as awesome was being able to see a part of what the city is like to those who are lucky enough to live in it.
Next weekend, my friend Kayleigh is coming to Berlin for my birthday/midsemester break. Not that I am by any means an expert on Berlin, but I do have some places in mind, I know what to look for, and I know vaguely where things are located. While we are of course seeing the Brandenburger Tor and eating Currywurst, we will probably also do something that doesn't scream Berlin. And I think that is perfect. You can't get to know a city in a whirlwind week of museum hopping and list checking--sure, check off that you saw the Berlin Wall from the Bucket List, but we're getting to see more than that too.
I hope you're having a great time! Happy Birthday Week!!!! I can't wait to see these sights too!